Saturday 15 September 2012

Car engines part 1

         Today, I am going to talk about my old obsession, cars. I started to like cars when i was 12 years old,I use to purchase car magazines on a monthly basis. It was expensive but hey, who gives a shit? My interest for car did not last long though after i found out that it is difficult to become a car engineer in Singapore. Hint: Thats one clue about me:D Even though my interest for cars have died out, I am still fascinated by how a car engine works. I am mean seriously, who could have really thought of this... Intake, compress, combustion and then exhale. OOPS SPOILER. Anyways, without further a do, I present to you the CAR ENGINE.

Car engine specificly Honda
Yes i know what you are thinking, what the shit is that? Its actually pretty simple but we are only going to talk about the pistons in the car engine which is the primary contributor to the movement of a car.

Knowledge 1. Most cars use he four stroke combustion cycle which is what is just mentioned. Intake,compress,combust and exhale.

Knowledge 2. As you can see, four pistons are going up and down and up and down... The blue stick which is called a connecting rod whcih is connected to the green circular thing called the crankshaft. The grey circle that holds the two things together is the rod bearing.

Knowledge 3. Now imagine when the piston goes down, air and gasoline is poured into the piston chamber through the intake valve. Then when it goes up, the air and fuel is compressed. It is then ignited by a spark plug at the top of the piston chamber. Whatever uncomplete combustion gas or material is then exhaled through the exhaust port.

Knowledge 4. There have been many designs for a piston engines, each have their own unique purpose. The one on my left is the V shape arranged piston engine. This design was made by Henry ford who is the founder of Ford car company now. The V shape engine has a shorter crankshaft. It would flex less and cut down on main bearing wear and tear. Not only that, it provides more power using less space.

Knowledge 5. This one on the left is the flat engine. It is first patented by German engineer Carl Benz. This engine helps provide better stability and control as it has a low center of gravity.

So now you have learnt the basic function of a car engine and its main components. We have aso covered the different designs of car engine and it advantages, disadvantages and so on. Next time I would talk about the different causes of engine problems, cooling systems, purpose of lubrication and also ways engineers use to produce more power. Thank you, have fun:)

Batteries part 1

              Today, i am going to talk about batteries. One of the most common items in the world. We come across it everytime when we go to the supermarket or convenient store, its always at the counter.
 I am sure everyone knows what are batteries, energizer duracell, does that ring the bell.Although we use batteries in our daily lives, some are not curious to know how it works, though recent technology has rendered most non-rechargeable batteries useless , it is important to know how the history of batteries and how is works. Basically, chemical reactions in a battery provide electricity for functioning any modern conveniences. However, if you want to learn more about it in a more deep manner, continue reading, if not go on and be stupid.

Knowledge number 1. Chemical reactions in a battery is called electrochemical reaction. This reaction provides electricity to run your electronic devices.

Knowledge number 2. Who came up with the idea of batteries? It was actually invented by an Italian physicist called Count Alessandro Volta when he learnt about this reaction in 1799. He created a simple battery from metal plates ( zinc ) and brine-soaked cardboard or paper. He stacked them in alternating layers called voltaic pile. This created a steady and lasting current of electricty.

Knowledge number 3. However, Volta's design was limited as the height at which the layers could be stacked was limited because the weight of the pile would squeeze the brine out of the pasteboard or cloth.

Knowledge number 4. From then on, scientists continued to rectify and improve on volta's design which resulted in the batteries we see today in malls.

Knowledge number 5. One was John Frederick Daniell. English chemist who made a new battery called the Daniel cell. It uses a similar idea, by using alternating layers of materials to generate electricty.It uses zinc sulfate then zinc plate(-) then copper sulfate then a copper plate(+).

Knowledge number 6. By 1898, the Colombia Dry Cell became the first commercially available battery sold in the United States. The manufacturer, National Carbon Company, later became the Eveready Battery Company, which produces the Energizer brand.

So now that we know who,who and the battery design, we can further understand more in my next post. I hope you learnt something, personally i would talk about this to my friends but i dont have any so spread the knowedge to other people and have fun doing it:)

Introduction to this blog and me

Hi bloggers,
My name is David Choy. I will not mention much about myself until i feel comfortable about it:) Recently, it occurred to me that sutdents nowadays are so succumbed by their homework to the extend that they are oblivious to the "things" in the world. The purpose of this website is not just intended for just students but for everyone. I want people to learn new things everyday, not just from their work or schools. Some people might think that knowledge gained from other sources than schools are redundant for being successful in life, i respectly disagree. I believe that expanding ones knowledge can project high intellect and also confidence hence the purpose of this website. I would like to teach people about how the things, simple things, in our world work, how they came about and so on. Personally, i find all these things very interesting thus i want to share my interest. I would be posting on either a daily basis or a weekly basis. Hope you enjoy and learn something new everytime you visit this site. Thank you:)