Sunday 4 November 2012

How are tissue papers made?

Hi internet! In my last post,  I talked about what do we use trees for. I realized that I did not mention about tissue paper so it came to my mind that I should talk about how are tissue papers made.

First, we must know the foundation of tissue paper. It's main component is pulp. Now what is pulp,
Knowledge 1: Pulp is a fibrous material prepared by chemically or mechanically separating cellulose fibers from woodfiber crops or waste paper.

It looks like wood shavings... Never mind that. 

Knowledge 2: All kinds of paper are made of 100% wood. This includes newspaper, magazines and even toilet paper. 

Knowledge 3: Tissue paper is produced on a paper machine that has a single large steam heated drying cylinder  fitted with a hot air hood. 

It looks complicated but trust me its not. 

Knowledge 4: The drying cylinder is sprayed with adhesives. Adhesives are bonding agent to make the paper stick. Inside the cylinder, there is a blade to scrape all the dried paper off. The blade is specially shaped to ensure all paper is scrapped off. 

Knowledge 5: The tissue paper is then cut into specific shapes for consumers.

As simple as that:)

Knowledge 6: The nanotechnology industry has been working to produce genetically modified trees, which produce a new type of tissue paper that has a higher quality. They call it "intelligent wood". Groovy:) This might be able to solve the problem of high demand of wood for paper. Well at least I'm glad that people are trying:)

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